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December 15, 2021

Barclay Damon Live: Labor & Employment Podcast—"Setting the Record Straight on COVID-19 Sick Pay"

In Episode 2 of the Labor and Employment podcast, Ari Kwiatkowski of Barclay Damon welcomes her colleague and L&E Practice Group lead Rosemary Enright, of Barclay Damon. The conversation, entitled “Setting the Record Straight on COVID Sick Pay,” takes a thorough look at the new New York state laws regarding COVID-19 sick leave, including what information employees must share if they are ordered to quarantine or isolate and asking for leave to which they are entitled. (Hint: No, it’s not a HIPAA violation for employers to ask for proof of quarantine or isolation orders from an official agency.) They also look at when employees are eligible for paid COVID sick leave (or not), the vaccine leave laws, and how all of the new—and most likely continually changing laws—interact with an employee’s regular PTO, sick leave, and, very importantly, family medical leave. What about multiple exposures? When can the employee stay home (and get paid) if their kid or parent is sick? Tune in for the details and be prepared for some surprising facts about the fascinating Rosemary Enright!


This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion, and no attorney-client relationship has been established or implied. Thanks for listening.


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