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August 15, 2024

Barclay Damon Live: Labor & Employment Podcast—"Overtime 201, Part Two," With Lee Jacobs and Rosemary Enright

In the latest episode of Barclay Damon Live's Labor & Employment Podcast, Lee Jacobs and Rosemary Enright continue their deep dive into all things overtime, extending into the complexities of joint employment and the common mistakes employers may make when calculating overtime pay. They highlight the issue of joint employment in the restaurant (and other) industries, where employees might work at multiple locations owned by the same entity. They also provide guidance on how to properly calculate overtime pay when taking the tip credit. As always, the hosts stress the need for accurate record keeping—and caution against relying solely on payroll companies for compliance. They conclude by inviting listeners to suggest future topics for discussion. Join in now!

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