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February 2, 2018

Times Union: Charter Says Cable TV Complaints Are Falling Since Merger

Even as it is pushing its Spectrum cable TV customers into an all digital channel format that will require everyone to get set-top boxes, Charter Communications says that its customer complaint rates are falling compared to when Time Warner Cable was in charge.

Charter acquired Time Warner Cable in 2016, a nationwide deal that included hundreds of thousands of Capital Region customers.

Under the terms of an agreement with the state Public Service Commission that allowed the deal, Charter is required to have reduced customer complaint rates by 35 percent by 2020. Half of those gains have to be achieved by this year.

The PSC allows Charter to redact public copies of the documents that it submits to the PSC regarding its progress on the complaint issue.

However, in a Jan. 29 letter to the PSC, Maureen Helmer, a Barclay Damon attorney who represents Charter, says that complaint rates are moving in the right direction despite the fact that Charter, which operates under the Spectrum name, has been rolling out a much different menu of TV, internet and phone offerings than what Time Warner Cable had offered.

Read the rest of the article here.


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