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July 21, 2015

Retirement Plan Potential Changes - Educational Program

Barclay Damon partners, Michael Sciotti and Raymond McCabe will present on the U.S. Department of Labor New Proposed Fiduciary Regulations. They will walk us through the underlying regulations, litigation issues, and potential damages faced for violation.

Did you know?

The U.S. Department of Labor is attempting once again to redefine the definition of a fiduciary under the Employee Retirement Security Act (ERISA) by modifying what constitutes "investment advice." Unfortunately, this re-proposal is both more expansive and much more complicated than the DOL's controversial 2010 proposal. It will have a disproportionate impact on low and moderate income Americans saving for retirement--especially employees of small businesses who save using an IRA. Specifically, the proposed rule will raise the cost of professional and personal investment advice, decreasing access for small businesses and small investors.

Locked Out of Retirement: The Threat to Small Business Retirement Savings, a study commissioned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, found that the rule could impact 9 million small business households, threatening$472 billion in assets originating from small business retirement plans.

Learn more:

If you are involved with the administration of a 401(k), this workshop is for you. Whether you are in HR, management, or a board member you may be impacted by this pending Department of Labor regulation. With the potential of being one of the most sweeping pieces of DOL regulation in the last three decades -- make sure you are prepared.


For more information or to register, contact Janet Morgan.

Part of the Educational Program Series sponsored by Chemung Canal Trust Company, this workshop is presented by Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC and Barclay Damon, LLP.

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