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August 16, 2021

Ken Bello, National Labor and Employment Attorney, Joins Barclay Damon's Boston Office

August 16, 2021—Barclay Damon announces Ken Bello has joined Barclay Damon, effective today. Bello, a leading labor and employment attorney noted for his work throughout New England and across the country, was co-founding partner of the Boston labor and employment law firm Bello Welsh. His primary office location is Boston.

Bello has decades of experience in all areas of labor and employment law and acts as primary counsel for many companies throughout the United States in a wide range of industries, including financial services, biotechnology, high tech, health care, higher education, hospitality, consulting services, manufacturing, and retail as well as venture and private equity institutions and related portfolio entities. Prior to founding Bello Welsh, Bello spent more than 20 years at the Am Law 100 firm Mintz, first as an associate and then as a partner.

“The access my clients will gain to Barclay Damon’s many complementary practices,” Bello said, “including employee benefits, M&A, IP, and commercial litigation, will provide them with outstanding advantages to protect and grow their businesses. And the firm’s New York–and New England–centered platform is a great fit as well, providing a concentration of resources where many of these clients are based.”

Bello added, “I’m thrilled to introduce my clients to a firm that is as focused on being business advisors in addition to providing high-level legal counsel as I am. I also am very impressed by the progressive, dynamic growth culture at Barclay Damon. Among the firm’s many qualities that no doubt resonate with my clients is Barclay Damon’s commitment to diversity overall, including gender leadership. It is exciting for me to see that the Labor & Employment Practice Group, the Boston office, and the firm as a whole are led by successful women.”

Connie Cahill, Barclay Damon’s managing partner, said, “Our large and growing Labor & Employment Practice Group, ably led by Rosemary Enright, is key to Barclay Damon’s long-term strategic growth, and the addition of Ken and his decades of experience handling complex matters in this area is a boon not only to Rosemary’s team but to other teams and clients across our collaborative platform, including our energy and health care teams. We can’t wait to introduce Ken to many clients across the firm and country who will benefit from his unique skill set.”

Lizz Acee, managing director of the firm’s major markets offices, including its Boston office, said, “Barclay Damon clients all along our New York City–Boston–Connecticut corridor and beyond will benefit from Ken’s deep knowledge not only of labor and employment law but of the specifics of doing business in those complex markets and from his relationships there.”

Acee was president of LeClairRyan. She and 19 other members of that law firm joined Barclay Damon two years ago, including five in the Boston office. The office was founded in 2007 with a pivotal group from WilmerHale.

Bello added, “Barclay Damon’s well-considered growth strategy, including for its Boston and other major-market offices, is another major reason I’m excited to join the firm. My clients and I will enjoy the close proximity of literally hundreds of lawyers located in neighboring cities within a few hours of Boston.”

Barclay Damon attorneys team across offices and practices to provide customized, targeted solutions grounded in industry knowledge and a deep understanding of our clients’ businesses. With nearly 300 attorneys, Barclay Damon is a leading law firm that operates from a strategic platform of offices located in the Northeastern United States and Toronto. For more information, visit our award-winning website at


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