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August 27, 2009

Hiscock & Barclay Offers Trademark Services Tailored to Meet the Needs of Indian Companies Doing Business in the U.S & Europe

With companies in India seeking to evolve from exporting commodity products to marketing branded goods, the law firm Hiscock & Barclay offers a range of legal services tailored to meet the needs of Indian companies bringing products to market in the United States.

Led by Mark Peroff, a partner in the firm and co-chair of its Intellectual Property & Technology Practice, this practice also includes Alpa Patel, an attorney with experience in establishing patent and trademark rights, litigation, and licensing. Ms. Patel has spoken and written about a variety of intellectual properties issues. She will work with Mr. Peroff, one of the leading practitioners in this field, and others in Hiscock & Barclay's Intellectual Property practice.

"India has an exciting, dynamic economy, fueled by some brilliant and innovative entrepreneurs," said Mr. Peroff. "These companies are now entering a phase where, rather than producing generic products such as pharmaceuticals or components for other companies, they are beginning to produce, distribute and market their own, higher margin, branded products internationally. Unfortunately, because they don't have the same long history of intellectual property protection as American and European companies, many are unfamiliar with the complexities, and strategies they can use to protect their brands and other forms of intellectual property and the important value of doing so.

"For successful companies, the brand itself has value, apart from the underlying, intrinsic value of the product itself. Great companies take whatever action is necessary to protect their brands because they know that, without this protection, their products are vulnerable to infringement, whether intentional or unintentional, which can diminish their value.

"We have had extensive experience working with companies internationally, including clients based in India, to establish and enforce their trademarks and patents, here and abroad – and we look forward to expanding our services to the fast-growing companies of India."


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