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February 9, 2009

Hiscock & Barclay Director of Information Resources Presents on Online Strategies for Legal Research

Hiscock & Barclay, LLP, Director of Information Resources Elaine Knecht will present at the Find It Free and Fast on the Net: Strategies for Legal Research on the Web seminar sponsored by the National Business Institute. The seminar is designed to provide practical skills necessary for finding key information on the internet for attorneys and other professionals conducting legal research. The seminar will be offered in Buffalo on March 25, Rochester on March 26 and Syracuse on March 27.

The way we use the internet today is leagues away from how it was being used even five years ago. Knecht will share how attorneys and legal staff can keep pace by streamlining their research skills to make the internet an asset rather than a liability for firms. Other seminar presenters include Jean Callihan, head of research services at Cornell Law Library; Jonathan Hickey, founding member of Burden, Gulisano & Hickey, LLC; James T. Snyder, partner at Greene & Reid, LLP; Cyndi A. Trembley, manager of computer services at Harris Beach PLLC; and Bruce Wagner, owner of the private investigation company Omniscient Investigations in Buffalo.

At Hiscock & Barclay, Knecht is in charge of the overall administrative management of the firm's libraries, including budget and personnel. Her responsibilities include the management of libraries and librarians in all offices, electronic resources maintenance and both legal and extra-legal research. Knecht frequently lectures on computer technology, internet and legal research and has taught information literary and basic research skills at the college level. She is currently the president of the Association of Law Librarians of Upstate New York, which is a chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries. To register for the seminar or for more information, call 800-930-6182 or visit


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