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April 13, 2023

Dan French Returns to Full-Time Private Law Practice at Barclay Damon

Barclay Damon welcomes Dan French back to the full-time private practice of law as he steps down as Syracuse University’s senior vice president and general counsel. 

As French announced his June 30, 2023, departure from his higher-education role to return full time to Barclay Damon, Syracuse University celebrated French’s nearly ten-year tenure, during which he led the Office of the General Counsel from a one-attorney office to a diverse team of seven attorneys befitting the size and complexity of the university’s operations. French also served as Syracuse University’s interim director of athletics and as a liaison to the Executive Committee of the board of trustees.

French, said, “Serving my alma mater as its general counsel for nearly a decade has truly been one of the highest honors of my career. Even though I will miss it, I very much look forward to the next chapter and continuing what I think I do best regardless of where I sit: helping clients solve their strategic issues and navigate a complex world.”

Before entering private practice, French served as the US attorney for the Northern District of New York after he was nominated to that position by President Bill Clinton in 1999. French had previously served as an assistant US attorney from 1997 to 1999, as law clerk for the US District Court from 1995 to 1997, and in varied roles from 1988 to 1994 in the US Senate, including as acting deputy staff director to the Committee on Finance, as executive assistant to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and as a staff member to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Connie Cahill, Barclay Damon’s managing partner, said, “We could not be more proud of Dan’s distinguished service to Syracuse University over a nearly ten-year period that saw such significant disruption and challenges in the higher ed landscape.” Cahill continued, “We are thrilled we will have Dan back with us full time and look forward to seeing what great things he has in store after such an impressive career already.”

David Burch, managing director of Barclay Damon’s Syracuse office, said, “Dan’s profile is unparalleled, and the firm and clients alike are so fortunate to have his wise and experienced counsel at their disposal.”

After wrapping up the academic year at the university, French will return to the firm mid-summer and expects to work from Barclay Damon’s New York City and Syracuse offices, representing clients on a wide array of matters.

Barclay Damon attorneys team across offices and practices to provide customized, targeted solutions grounded in industry knowledge and a deep understanding of our clients' businesses. With nearly 300 attorneys, Barclay Damon is a leading law firm that operates from a strategic platform of offices located in the Northeastern United States and Toronto.


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