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July 7, 2020

Barclay Damon Announces New Practice Group, Practice Area, and Industry Team Leadership

July 7, 2020—Barclay Damon announces, effective immediately, the following new practice group, practice area, and team leadership changes: Brenda Colella, Regulatory Practice Group leader; Corey Auerbach; Land Use & Zoning Practice Area co-chair; Kevin Bezio and Sharon Brown; Public Finance Practice Area co-chairs; Ekin Senlet; Regulatory Practice Area co-chair; and Kevin Szczepanski; Cybersecurity Team co-leader.

“Each one of these individuals has done an outstanding job stepping up to the plate to support their respective practices, applying their extensive industry knowledge, legal skills, and strong leadership abilities to generate new client successes and business development opportunities,” John Langan, the firm’s managing partner, said. “Even amid this challenging time dealing with COVID-19, we are confident that this group of attorneys will be able to use their new roles to keep us moving forward.”

The former Regulatory Practice Group deputy leader and current co-chair of the Regulatory Practice Area, co-leader of the Renewable Energy and Energy Markets Teams, and a member of the Project Development Practice Area and Energy and Oil & Gas Teams, Colella is taking over as Regulatory Practice Group leader from Jeff Davis, Telecommunications Practice Area chair and Project Development Practice Area co-chair.

A member of Land Use & Zoning, Project Development, Real Estate, and Telecommunications Practice Areas as well as the Tax Credits, Cannabis, and Hotels, Hospitality & Food Service Teams, Auerbach will serve as a Land Use & Zoning Practice Area chair alongside Jeff Palumbo.

Bezio is a member of the Public Finance and Financial Institutions & Lending Practice Areas, and Brown is a member of the Tax and Public Finance Practice Areas as well as the Tax Credits Team. They will take over as Public Finance Practice Area co-chairs from Connie Cahill, who is preparing for her 2021 transition to managing partner.

A member of the Regulatory Practice Area as well as the Energy, Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, and Cybersecurity Teams, Senlet will serve as the Regulatory Practice Area co-chair alongside Colella. She is taking over the role from Maureen Helmer.

A member of the Insurance Coverage & Regulation and Commercial Litigation Practice Areas as well as the Insurance & Reinsurance, Cybersecurity, and COVID-19 Response Teams, Szczepanski will serve as a Cybersecurity Team co-leader alongside Nick DiCesare.

Barclay Damon attorneys team across offices and practices to provide customized, targeted solutions grounded in industry knowledge and a deep understanding of our clients’ businesses. With nearly 300 attorneys, Barclay Damon is a leading law firm that operates from a strategic platform of offices located in the Northeastern United States and Toronto. For more information, visit our award-winning website at

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