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May 5, 2017

Barclay Damon Acknowledged for Extraordinary Pro Bono and Community Contributions

May 4, 2017"”Barclay Damon's acclaimed pro bono and United Way programs each received a prestigious award within a period of less than one week, a tribute to the firm's philosophy and long record of ensuring legal services to the under privileged and to charitable giving in the communities it serves.

The United Way of Central New York presented Barclay Damon its Campaign Excellence Award at the Achievements in Caring Celebration, April 27, in Syracuse. The award honors organizations that strongly believe in the importance of corporate and individual philanthropy. Marcy Robinson Dembs, Jillian C. Joyce, and Kayla A. Arias, all attorneys resident in Barclay Damon's Syracuse office, accepted the award on behalf of the firm. Marcy and Kayla are members of the firm's Diversity Leadership Team. Jillian led the Syracuse office's 2017 United Way campaign. In addition to the firm award, Jillian was honored as a nominee for Campaign Volunteer of the Year in recognition of her work as the firm's 2016 United Way campaign coordinator. The firm is a long-time supporter of the United Way.

In addition, the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) presented Barclay Damon with a President's Pro Bono Service Award at a luncheon ceremony, May 1, in Albany. This award honors recipients for providing extraordinary pro bono service to New Yorkers who seek access to justice but cannot afford a lawyer. Robert P. Heary, a partner in the Buffalo office and a member of the firm's Diversity Partner Committee, accepted the award on behalf of the firm.

In his nomination of the firm for the NYSBA award, Robert M. Elardo, executive director and CEO, Erie County Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project (VLP), said, "We are grateful for the depth and breadth of support from Barclay Damon's Buffalo office in handling 156 pro bono cases for VLP in 2016." He praised the firm for pro bono service in areas that include immigration, nonprofit law, wills and estates, matrimonial and family law, employment law, torts, and civil rights and for volunteering for VLP programs Attorney of the Morning, Pro Se Assistance Program, and Say Yes to Education Legal Clinics. "Their work," he noted, "has been instrumental in affording access to justice to low-income people in Buffalo facing the loss of the essentials of life."

John P. Langan, Barclay Damon's managing partner, said, "Barclay Damon has a longstanding commitment to our communities that is exemplified through many of our activities and programs, including our signature Pro Bono, Diversity & Inclusion, and Women's Forum programs. Firm-wide, we are proud to contribute our time, talent, and financial support to numerous local nonprofit organizations, including through the United Way."

"We are thrilled and grateful to add these venerable awards to the long list of others we have been honored to receive," Heather L Sunser, the firm's pro bono partner, added, "including being named an Empire State Counsel Honoree by NYSBA earlier this year and achieving first place on Buffalo Law Journal's list of firms ranked by the amount of pro bono legal services provided. These and the numerous other awards we have received reflect our strong and growing dedication to our communities."

Barclay Damon recently achieved 100 percent participation in its pro bono program among full-time associate attorneys in each of the firm's 11 offices. Attorneys completed over 3,000 hours of pro bono services in 2016, with these services valued at approximately $800,000.

Barclay Damon, LLP, listed as a "Top 250 Firm" by The National Law Journal, is a full-service law firm with offices throughout the major cities of New York State and in Toronto, Boston, Washington, DC, and Newark. At 275-lawyers, Barclay Damon is the largest law firm in the Northeastern United States that is not centered in a major market. Barclay Damon provides comprehensive legal and business counsel to a diverse client base in 33 practice areas.


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