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Empire Advocates provides non-legal services involving government relations, public relations, state and federal lobbying, and regulatory representation for clients in the energy, utility, and telecommunications industries operating in the Northeast.


Empire Advocates, LLC, a subsidiary of Barclay Damon LLP, based in Albany, New York, was formed in 2005 to provide clients with non-legal consulting services involving government relations, public relations, state and federal lobbying, and regulatory representation for clients in the energy, utility, and telecommunications industries operating in the Northeastern United States.

Government Relations

Navigating a project through the state legislature, regulatory agencies, and executive branch relies on great relationships and know how. Empire Advocates provides a full range of comprehensive services in their relations with state government, permitting them to effectively respond to clients’ needs, such as:

  • Legislative representation and working with lawmakers to communicate a client’s position
  • Representation of clients before regulatory agencies and authorities
  • Monitoring and reporting on state regulatory developments, including working with state agencies and authorities in the preparation of regulations
  • Public policy interpretation
  • Regulatory and legislative advocacy, negotiating directly with legislators and their staffs
  • Communication and negotiation with key regulatory officials and Governor’s Office staff

State and Federal Lobbying

“It isn’t what you know, but who you know” is true for successful lobbying. Empire Advocates has the connections to help get the job done. Our team assists clients with the following:

  • Developing strategic plans for the passage or defeat of legislation
  • Proposing legislation that meets clients’ needs
  • Tracking and monitoring legislation
  • Educating legislators and their staffs on complex issues
  • Researching issues and providing client memos on history, background, and the players involved
  • Provide an understanding of the political realities facing clients

Regulatory Representation

Keeping clients informed about new and emerging requirements from regulatory entities is one of the most important services Empire Advocates can provide. With more than 20 years of experience as chief regulatory negotiator for one of the largest providers of electric and natural gas in the Northeast, Nancy brings strong regulatory relationships. Paul has decades of experience collaborating and negotiating with energy, economic development, consumer protection and environmental agencies, and with the state legislature. As the former director of government affairs at the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), Tom cultivated relationships with state agencies and authorities such as the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC), the New York Power Authority (NYPA), the New York Public Service Commission (PSC), the Governor’s office, and others.

Using these relationships and through daily contact with regulatory agencies, we keep clients informed about developing and amended regulations that impact their interests.

Our customized services involve gaining an intimate familiarity with clients’ interests and identifying relevant issues early. Services include:

  • Strategic counseling to help clients meet their legislative and regulatory objectives
  • Representation during administrative hearings
  • Information, analysis, and counseling on ever-changing requirements, regulations, and the political landscape
  • Acting as a liaison between clients and agencies on regulatory disputes
  • Regulatory review and testimony
  • Strategic counseling to help clients meet their legislative and regulatory objectives
  • Offering an instant network and interface into the regulatory and political arena

Featured Media


NYSDEC Proposes a Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program


New York PSC Approves NYSERDA's Billion-Dollar Bulk Energy Storage Program—With Modifications


NYS Appellate Court Clarifies Insurer Disclaimer Requirements


Federal Agencies Look for Public Input on WOTUS and Butterfly Rules


The Reach and Apply Injunction: Massachusetts's Secret Sauce


Latest Update to the Corporate Transparency Act – What You Need to Know

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