Welcome to Barclay Damon Live: Labor & Employment Podcast, episode 16. This week, host Ari Kwiatkowski talks with Barclay Damon colleague Megan Bahas about employee handbooks. They start off with high-level questions, like, “When does an employer need a handbook?” “When don’t they?” “If you do need one, what should be in it?” Learn about how the number of employees, your industry, and your geographic locations can affect the requirements for your handbook and policies. Is a business’s workforce fully or partially unionized? That will have an effect as well. Learn more from this quick but mighty episode, and be sure to tune in to the next episode, the final in the series about employee handbooks.
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This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion, and no attorney-client relationship has been established or implied. Thanks for listening.