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September 15, 2022

Barclay Damon Live: Labor & Employment Podcast—"Best Practices for Defending Discrimination Lawsuits in Federal Court"

Host Ari Kwiatkowski is back for the season two debut of the Barclay Damon Live Labor & Employment Podcast. Joining her to continue the conversation is Barclay Damon partner Randy Oppenheimer. They begin their discussion, “Best Practices for Defending Discrimination Lawsuits in Federal Court,” with an overview of how the court system is structured, and the different types of judges there are. They then turn to first steps when an employer or business receives notification that they are being sued. Like in many situations, their advice is first, take a deep breath; then call counsel and your insurance agent. The steps that follow involve making sure evidence is preserved, and, along with your counsel, looking at the factors and potential strategies that go into your response. Listen in to learn more.

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