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October 16, 2024

Barclay Damon Live: Cyber Sip—"The CrowdStrike Incident: What Happened, and What Can We Learn?," With Brian Haugli

Kevin Szczepanski and Brian Haugli, CEO of SideChannel, discuss the implications of the recent CrowdStrike incident. CrowdStrike, an endpoint detection and response (EDR) provider, pushed an update that caused worldwide system crashes and downtime for their customers. Brian and Kevin analyze what happened and look at how CrowdStrike responded. The EDR is still being criticized (and in some cases sued) for its process, timing, and lack of empathy and accountability. The incident raises questions about vendor selection, procurement contracts, and the need for better control and auditing of software updates. Kevin and Brian emphasize that it’s still important to maintain good security practices, including embracing EDR technology. One outcome of the incident, they add, is looking at the role of the government in regulating EDR firms.

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