In this episode, host Kevin Szczcepanski welcomes his first guest, Mike McCartney, the national director of cybersecurity for Avalon Cyber. In his intro, Kevin briefly describes Mike’s impressive career as a highly decorated 22-year veteran of law enforcement (NY Attorney General’s office, FBI Cyber Crime Division, etc.) who was instrumental in early days of cybersecurity, digital forensics, and internet investigations; he literally wrote the book on the subject that law enforcement still uses today. After touching on the evolution of the field since the 1990s, Kevin and Mike take a deep dive into all things ransomware, from what it actually is, to what do to if it happens to you, and how to preplan for the eventuality that it will happen. Mike has practical advice and deep insights into what he calls a “multi-tiered organized crime syndicate,” and one that is very lucrative for its perpetrators. Questions they explore include: How can you protect your systems and data? Should you pay the ransom to possibly get your data back? What are the ramifications? Are you in a deeply regulated field—what is required if your systems are hacked? Check out this crucial episode, discussed in plain talk, to learn more.
This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion, and no attorney-client relationship has been established or implied. Thanks for listening.