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November 30, 2022

Barclay Damon Live: Cyber Sip Podcast—"Control, Test, and Train: Best Advice From Brian Rice

In this quick yet important chat with Brian Rice of Synapse Partners LLC, Barclay Damon Live: Cyber Sip™ host Kevin Szczepanski discusses security controls for companies of any size and in any sector. Hear Brian’s point of view (which comes in part from working with companies ranging from seven to 700 people over the course of 20 years) on burning questions like: What’s the number one biggest liability for companies? And what’s the number one best defense against a potential invasion of your systems? Answer: Employees. And training them. Sure, having good cyber insurance coverage is important, but, as Brian says, having auto insurance doesn’t stop you from driving mindfully. Tune in for more on this important topic.

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