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January 24, 2022

Law360 Pulse: Barclay Damon Boasts Pro Bono Work by All Attys, Paralegals

Barclay Damon’s pro bono program was the subject of the Law360 Pulse article “Barclay Damon Boasts Pro Bono Work by All Attys, Paralegals.” In 2021, for the fifth year in a row, 100 percent of Barclay Damon’s full-time attorneys participated in the firm’s mandatory pro bono program. For the first time in 2021, all of the firm’s full-time paralegals also participated in the pro bono program. 

Emily Lever, the article’s author, said:

Pro bono work is not required for paralegals as it is for attorneys, but all the firm’s full-time paralegals did pro bono work in 2021, spurred by a paralegal winning the firm’s annual pro bono award in 2020, the firm’s outgoing pro bono partner told Law360 Pulse.

“The [pro bono] award is given to an individual who exemplifies the spirit of pro bono service and Barclay Damon’s commitment to give back to our profession and the community in which we live and practice,” Corey Auerbach, the partner who oversaw the firm’s program in 2021, told Pulse in an email. “Energized by this accomplishment, the firm’s talented paralegal corps leaned in to pro bono work in 2021, accomplishing 100% participation by all full-time paralegals for the first time.”

The author went on to note that Barclay Damon’s attorneys and paralegals “spent their pro bono hours on a variety of issues,” working with a number of partner organizations. 

About pairing attorneys and paralegals with pro bono opportunities, Corey said, “Matching attorneys with pro bono opportunities is more of an art than a science. The goal is to find an opportunity within their area of practice that also aligns with their personal pro bono objectives. Aligning both the skills and interests of each attorney or paralegal is the recipe for a successful pro bono matter.” 

The article also noted that, as of January 1, Jen Leonardi has succeeded Corey “in his role at the head of the pro bono program.” 

The article also says:

“We couldn’t be more proud of each and every one of our co-workers, who have all dedicated their time and talents to helping others in the community,” Leonardi said in a statement. “I’m so appreciative that Corey led the charge to ensure this across-the-bard participation and look forward to the challenge of helping all of us continue this degree of service.”


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