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February 1, 2024

Ken Bello Quoted in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly Article on Massachusetts Wage Act Dispute

Ken Bello, of counsel, was quoted in the Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly article “Illinois Resident Can’t Sue Massachusetts Employer Under Wage Act.” The article explores a Massachusetts Superior Court judge’s ruling that an Illinois resident could not sue Abiomed, his Massachusetts-based employer, under the state Wage Act for allegedly failing to pay him commissions on time following his termination.

Ken, who represents Abiomed, said the Wage Act applies to Massachusetts-based employees, as it should, not to people working in other states, which have their own wage laws. “Massachusetts employers also should have a clear understanding as to when commissions need to be paid to terminating employees. This decision provides directional guidance that commissions are not due until they actually are determined—when the amount of commission has been calculated with certainty,” Bello said. 

Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly subscribers can access the article here.


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