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April 13, 2023

Jason Klimek Profiled as Part of NY Cannabis Insider's "People to Know" Series

Jason Klimek, Cannabis Team co-leader, was profiled as part of NY Cannabis Insider’s “People to Know” series. For the profile, Jason answered the following questions:

1) What is your position and what do you/your company do in the cannabis space?
2) How long have you worked in the cannabis space?
3) What did you do before you were involved in the cannabis industry?
4) What led you to the cannabis industry?
5) Do you have any advice for someone looking to get into the NY [cannabis] industry?

“New York has created an extremely complicated regulatory system that is not used in most other jurisdictions. It is incredibly important that when getting into the New York cannabis space, you vet the people you’re working with to ensure they understand the New York rules inside and out so they can give you accurate advice and don’t jeopardize your chance of obtaining a license.”

6) What do you think the NY cannabis ecosystem will look like in five years?
7) Who should contact you and what’s the best method?

Jason’s profile also ran on


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