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May 18, 2023

Brian Gerling Appointed Professor of Practice at Syracuse University College of Law

Brian Gerling, of counsel and executive director of Syracuse University College of Law’s Innovation Law Center (ILC), was appointed a professor of practice on the Syracuse Law faculty. Brian’s new role is the result of Syracuse University’s Office of Research and College of Law entering a partnership to combine the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) with the ILC. As a professor of practice, Brian will provide operational oversight and strategic direction to the OTT as a special advisor on technology transfer and all things IP-related to Syracuse University’s vice president of research, Duncan Brown.

In a statement from Syracuse University College of Law, Brown said, “With Executive Director Gerling at the helm, we will embark on an extensive strategic planning process to elevate the OTT as a gold standard for tech transfer office among our peer research institutions.”

“The functions of a tech transfer office are perfectly suited for the ILC,” said Brian. “Our core competencies in law and IP help to surface important legal issues and challenges early in the commercialization process which benefits clients enormously. We look forward to working with the University’s vast network of innovators and entrepreneurs, while also augmenting opportunities for our students to gain practical skills and prepare them for careers as IP and business lawyers.”

Click here to read Syracuse University College of Law’s press release about Brian’s new role.

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