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September 7, 2022

Lizz Acee Quoted in New Haven Biz Article on Connecticut Wage Disclosure Law

Lizz Acee, partner, was quoted in the New Haven Biz article “Transparent Wages: How to Avoid Running Afoul of CT’s New Salary Disclosure Law” about the confusing nature of Connecticut’s wage disclosure law and the steps employers are taking to address it.

The law, which has been in effect for just over a year, states that employers must provide an applicant with the wage range when the applicant requests the information or prior to or at the time the applicant is made an offer. Wage range information must also be provided when an employee is hired, their position changes, or if the employee requests it.

To be compliant with the law, Lizz said that Barclay Damon recommends a pay equity audit and advises employers to have formal job descriptions in place for their workers, along with salary ranges for each job.

New Haven Biz subscribers can read the full article here.


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