Hiscock & Barclay partner Linda J. Clark will present on "State of the Market - Where is New York Headed," at ACI's 17th National Advanced Forum.
This year's agenda will provide attendees with strategic advice, critical insights, and comprehensive updates for:
- Where asbestos litigation is headed short and long term: Legislative issues and the politics of litigation; newer products and tertiary defendants; and hotbed jurisdictions (Illinois, Missouri, California, New York)
- The "every exposure theory": Recent court decisions, notable experts and their causation testimony, and the cross-examination of the "every exposure counts" expert
- Lung cancer claims: Medical updates on new studies and the latest on underlying asbestos exposure and smoking in determining the presence/absence of asbestosis
- The effect of the estimation ruling in the Garlock bankruptcy case and the latest on courts and legislatures providing for greater transparency between the trust claim and civil tort systems
- Differential diagnosis and gene studies: the evolution of mesothelioma claims
- New trends in the state of the art
- Daubert hearings challenging expert opinions and methodologies in light of Barabin
- Current science and claims involving cosmetic talc
- New international issues associated with the increased filings by foreign litigants and the defense of cases involving a plaintiff with foreign exposures
- Component part supplier claims and asbestos equipment litigation
- Apportionment: Products, product types, product uses, product identification witnesses, deposition strategies, and beyond
- The use of asbestos by the United States Military other than the Navy